On Tuesday 13th march,

Three little pigs found guilty for bioling a wolf alive but they claimed that thy did because the wolf had blown their house down. It has gone and worried everyone in their town.

Big Bad wolf boiled alive

Three little pigs found in court on Friday 16th march so lets here the pigs mum's qouts 'The wolf got what he deserved the pigs where the victums the pigs can't go to prison they really can't please really please.

now lets hear the pigs qouts please we realy didn't mean to wimperd the oldest pig the banks made us their to greedy for our money.

The wolfs friend said,' My good friend the wolf sufferd from servere asthma so the wolfs docter confirmed that yes the wolf did suffer from servere asthma. the judge shouted stop let the Jury decied so the Jury whisperd Guilty so the Judge shouted guilty!