
Microsociety week 6- First simulation

This week in microsociety we had our first simulation!!!!!! It was surprisingly stressful but very fun. First, what happened was that we bought the table we wanted to set up our business on, set it up and waited for the customers to come running. However, this is very embarrassing to admit,we only had one customer but we still got quite a lot of money from him and he did order quite a lot.

Some other businesses included a food one, a lottery, a theatre one and a gambling one. Some people were just walking around randomly spending money but me and my friends knew better than that and decided to keep our money until it was most useful for instance paying a fine.

Society name: Wakatania

Currency name: Waks (not to be confused with wax)

Starting money: 180 waks

Import tax: Twice the amount which was paid for in pounds

Head of state: Jack

National animal: Dragon

Society colours: Grey, Blue and Yellow