

The learning theme next week will be Autumn and orange.

For the challenge we ask that you support your child by going on a walk to look for signs of Autumn.Your child will then need to be creative and imaginative and produce a drawing, painting or collage inspired by our Autumn learning theme. We will then proudly display their work in the classroom.

We look forward to sharing all of your wonderful challenge work.

Next week the children will be rehearsing our Harvestsong, ‘Dingle Dangle Scarecrow’ in preparation for our Harvest Festival assembly. As part of our Autumn theme we will be sharing Nick Butterworth’s, ‘The Hedgehogs Balloon’. The children will then have a choice of media to make their own hedgehog. In the outdoor area there will also be the opportunity to help to make a hedgehog shelter to help protect any local hedgehogs through the autumn and winter.

In keeping with our Autumn theme linked to the colour orange, and as pumpkins are now in season, we will be sharing the beautifully illustrated story ‘Pumpkin Soup’, by Helen Cooper. We will be making Apple Cake in cooking, using cooking apples from Mrs Stephens 100-year-old tree.

We look forward to talking with you about your child’s start to the academic year at our Parent’s Evenings on Tuesday 23rd or Wednesday 24th October. Please speak to a member of staff if you have not yetbooked your appointment.

Finally, we have acquired a lot of unnamed school uniform.Please speak to a member of staff if your child is missing something. May we ask all uniform is clearly labelled so it can be returned to its rightful owner.