mais2010 - weak password

Mais@el-zarif2010 - strong password

Name - IBF - Internet Best Friends

Description - In this app you can become friends or even best friends with strangers. You chat without knowing anything about the other person and you start to get to know each other as you text. On this app, you can't make an account private and anyone can talk to you at anytime.

Name - Chat safely

Description - In this app you can call and text people (family,friends). When your making an account you have to write your age and parents email so they know if anything happens or anyone that isn't your friend or age is talking to you. You can make your account private and before anyone texting you, you get a warning and you have to accept the request to text them back.

Which one is safe and which one isn't?

IBF is the one that is not safe because anyone can immediately text to.

Chat safely is the one that is good because u have to accept there request so they or u can text them.