Microsociety: Week 3

This week in micro society, we read the next part of the 'NOTENUF' and in it everyone started to trade their things in exchange for other things but then it got out of hand, and some people started stealing to get the food that they liked or things that they liked. So I thought that the people who did the bad things should get punished.

Also Mrs Cranfield talked about her previous job. We all looked at how to choose the right person for the right job. Mrs Cranfield said even though we could work with our best friends they need to have the right skills. If I had a business that sold lots of origami and maybe one of my friends didn't have the right skills then they would have to do something they're quite good at even if they didn't like the people they would work for. So we need to also careful about who we choose for the jobs that we make.

We took a business questionnaire to see our suitability to run a business. In it, I did alright I got 9/40 but the fewer points you get, the better.

We also chose the currency and which notes we would get, I think it was 1, 10, 20 and 50. I agreed on what was chosen because the amount of notes wasn't too little or too small. Also because some people would say silly amounts like 100 – I don't think 100 is good because if something cost £85 then you would get loads of change so it's just right.