Our learning theme for next week will be the nursery rhyme ‘Five Currant Buns’. Please share this rhyme with your child at the weekend. You could even make some props to help you act out the rhyme!

For the challenge we ask that you take your child to visit a traditional style bakery so that they may see what a real one looks like. We would like you to talk about all the different cakes and breads a baker makes and find out just how early they have to get up to make sure everything is freshly baked. Please post your child’s responses on the blog, we look forward to reading them.

The children will of course be baking a currant bun this week in their family group. In addition we will be acting out the nursery rhyme and having lots of opportunities to role play using cooking props and coins.

We would like to thank everybody that has contributed to the Nursery Rhyme display in the role play area. The children love to see their work up on show!

To celebrate all of the languages and cultures that the children have in Foundation we ask that you send in a photo of a family celebration. Please write on the post-it provided about the celebration, making sure that the photo and note are named on the back so that they may be returned home later in the year.

Thank you for all your support the children are really eager to learn and growing in confidence every day.




Link to Hickory Dickory Dock Learning Blog