The overarching learning theme after half term will be‘Transport’. We will be sharing ‘The Train Ride’ story.

For the half term challenge please take your child on a short train journey and encourage them to look out of the window, as they do in the story. You can post a message on the blog, or send in photos and tickets so that your child will have resources to use to help them to talk about their experience.

We will be sharing our train rides when we return on Monday 26th February, please clearly label any tickets or photos that you send in so that they may be returned to you.

As we will be learning about different modes of transport, please share books and pictures and talk about them with your child. Perhaps you can do some transport spotting when you are out and about. This will support their language development.

Please continue to support your child with their personal targets. Practising little and often will help to develop their confidence, as well as support their learning.


Mother’s Day Assembly on Friday 9 th March

9:30am- 10:00am (approx.)

We hope you have a great half term!

The Train Ride

Link to Chinese New Year Learning Blog