We will share this with the children on Monday, but if you have a book at home please do read it this weekend and if the weather is nice, have a picnic!

For the challenge this week we ask that your child creates a 2D picture or 3D model of lighthouse using materials of their choice. They could use Lego, collage, junk modelling, different textured paper, paint etc. All we ask is that it (or a photograph of it) is sent in on Wednesday 28th June. In cooking next week the children will be choosing their own filling and making a small sandwich to eat. Together we will be writing lists of yummy food to take on a picnic as well as sequencing pictures from the story. There will be many other activities besides, please look at the learning blog at the end of next week to see just how much fun we had.

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch

by Ronda and David Armitage

Link to Jonah and the Whale learning blog.